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Bath and Wells MAT

School Day 

Start of the Day

Our school day starts promptly at 9am and finishes at 3.30pm. Please drop your child off at the school gate in the morning between 8.50-9.00am and collect them from the school playground in the afternoon at 3.30pm. A typical school week amounts to 32.5 hours.

All of our children are issued with a blue book bag, which they should bring in with them daily.  Although we use email as our main form of communication to parents the book bag is also a  form of communication between the school and  home, so please check it regularly for school updates and notices.  Also, in the bag you will find a ‘reading/spelling’ book, which acts as a communication between your child and their teacher; and ‘sharing’ books whilst in Water class.

Please do not allow your child to be late.  It is important that every child is ready for lessons on time.  Lateness will be marked in the register.  We shall, of course, understand when circumstances conspire to make you late; we have all suffered with car trouble!  On occasions when children are late they should enter the school via the Office.

Pedestrian Access and Car Parking

There is pedestrian access to school via the small gate opposite the car park.  This gate is locked shortly after 9am for security reasons and is unlocked before the end of the school day.

To help reduce the number of cars parking in the road and so that children are able to walk even a short distance to school, parents are also encouraged to park in the village hall car park and walk with their child to the school.

Cycle racks are available for children to use and are located behind Fire Class.

Please keep to the 20 mph limit – we need to keep our children safe