The Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust is the Admissions Authority for Horsington Church School and agrees and, when necessary, consults on the School's Admissions arrangements for each academic year, which are then published on the Trust and School websites. The School contracts support for this work through Somerset County Council. The County Council works on behalf of the School to ensure our Admissions Arrangements are clear and adhere to the Admissions Code as published by the DfE.
Details of our Admissions arrangements can be downloaded from the link below. If you would like further information about our Admissions arrangements, please contact the School Office.
The Published Admission Number for entry to the Reception Year (PAN) |
The admission number indicating the minimum number of places available in the Reception year is currently published as 17. Children starting school for the first time in September (the ‘normal’ admissions round) will be admitted up to this PAN, without condition, in accordance with the School Admissions Code. The Admissions Authority is entitled to increase the PAN at any time, where it determines that more places can be made available without prejudicing the efficient delivery of education or the efficient use of resources. Any increase to the PAN will be notified as an alteration to this statement. |
If your child is due to start school in September you must apply for a school place through the Local Authority - see below for details of how to do this
Apply to start school for the first time
Admission Arrangements 2024-2025
Admission Arrangements 2025-2026
We welcome enquiries from parents of students who require primary school education and are considering a transfer to Horsington Church School. Please contact the school to enquire about available places in your required year group. The application to transfer schools should be made by completing the In-Year Application Form and returning it to us by email, post or hand. We will respond to your application within 10 school days of the application being received to either offer or refuse a place.
Appeals Timetable - BWMAT 2024-2025